Saturday, March 27, 2010

Classroom Netiquette Guidelines

As part of my homework assignment for Education Technology, I am posting my classroom rules for using the internet. Internet etiquette is called "Netiquette". I typed this and formatted it in Word 2007 but it didn't copy exactly when I tried to paste it to this blogsite and it left out the nice looking art graphic. Since my goal is to teach high school art, this was made for high school students in mind.

Classroom Netiquette Guidelines
Boise Campus High School

Don’t Hurt Others

* Treat others as you would want them to treat you. Remember that people on the internet are real people too.
* Be polite and courteous. Don’t use the internet for swearing, anger, threats or insulting people.

* DON’T USE ALL CAPITALS! It is interpreted as “shouting” and is rude.

Be Responsible & Ethical

* Use classroom computers appropriately. Do not use them to exchange personal information, especially passwords.

* Do not download any files, photos, music or video without your teacher’s permission.

* Visit only the Internet sites provided to you by teacher. Never search online without having an adult with you. There are unsafe sites on the internet.

* Respect other people’s privacy

* Make sure the information you post on the internet is correct and factual.

* Respect other people’s time when using in-class computers. If other people are waiting to use the classroom computer, don’t “hog” the computer.

* Do not plagiarize. Cite your sources.

Communicate Effectively & Exercise Good Writing Skills

* Communicate in a way that makes you look good. Use proper grammar & spelling. Write clearly.
* Respond properly to emails and other online messages. Show people that you value their time.

Take Care of the Equipment

* Do not eat or drink around computers or keyboards. Do not place food or drink around them.
* Always log-out (sign-off) of computers when you are finished.

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