Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Back! Life Has 'Gone To The Dogs'?

'Pepe' (Finished portrait above, photo below)

Yes, I'm back. My family crisis is almost over with and my sanity is starting to return. It was a stressful holiday season and I'm glad it is over!

This is the first week of school and things have been busy. I am getting use to my new schedule. I go to class every morning except on Friday. I am taking Education Technology and English Literature and I already have homework. One of the assignments in Education Technology is to start a blog. So I thought I better end my leave of absence and get back to blogging. I am hoping I can use this blogsite for the class assignment.

Because of my stressful family crisis, I didn't really do any art work over the holidays. Then last week, I finally felt like picking up my colored pencils and working again. I finished my portrait commission of the late, great 'Pepe' the Chihuahua dog. I have posted it here along with the photo.
Last week I also started a portrait of my mother-in-law's dog, Micah. He is a border collie with a great personality. He exhausts everyone with his endless energy and he is very smart. I took several photos of him over the holidays. They turned out so good that I decided to do a portrait of him. And since my mother-in-law's hobby is quilting, I am going to paint one of her quilts into the background of the portrait. I have finished Micah's portrait, now I just have to put in the quilt pattern that I want to use in the background. Even though the quilt pattern part is not done, I am posting a photo of this portrait. I love how this portrait has turned out so far. I am considering doing a series of animal portraits (maybe 3 or 4) with my mother-in-law's quilts in the background.

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