Sunday, January 31, 2010

Artist of the Month At Eagle City Hall

"Maynard On Roses"
On display at Eagle City Hall during month of February

Tomorrow I am taking a trip to the Eagle City Hall to hang my art up in their lobby because I am the featured artist for the month of February. I booked this show about a year ago. There is an article about me in one of the free Eagle city magazines, but I haven't seen it yet. I will try and post a copy of this article on my blog as soon as I locate this magazine.

The city hall has room for eight pieces of art, so I chose what I thought were my best pieces and respresented me the best. The pieces that will be on exhibit are Still Waters, Got Nuts?, Otter Odyssey, Horseplay in the Daisies, Reaching For The Star, Maynard On Roses, Autumn at Hidden Lake, and Salmon River in Stanley. So after my Ed Tech class in the morning, I go to Eagle City Hall with my little ladder and hang my pictures on cable wire hangers. I get to choose where the art work goes and arrange it the way I want t0--just like a professional art gallery curator. Cool!

If you are in Eagle during the month of February, stop by the City Hall and see the show!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

IDEA The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Another assignment for Ed Tech. This is a synopsis of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), in my own words, with links.

Beverly Chick

IDEA (The Individual with Disabilities Education Act)

The IDEA is a federal law enacted in 1990 and reauthorized in 1997. It deals with the rights of students with disabilities by ensuring that every student receives free appropriate public education (FAPE) regardless of ability. Special education services include speech or physical therapy, assistive technology, transition services and any other specialized services that would be required. IDEA also encourages parental participation, defines the specific responsibilities of the parents and provides protection for students.

The Individual with Disabilities Education Act is for children between the ages of 3 and 21 who required special education services because of a disability. The categories of disabilities are autism, blindness, hearing impaired, orthopedic impairment, serious emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities, mental retardation, and other health impairments.

There is no cost for services provided under IDEA. An individual Education Plan (IEP) is implemented based on the specific needs of the child. Children covered under an IEP are evaluated at least every three years for changes in placement or transferring from grade to grade.

Some of the responsibilities IDEA outlines for parents are 1) Stay informed; 2) Understand your child’s IEP; 3) Speak with your child’s teacher; 4) Get it in writing; 5) Know your rights; 6) Play an active role in preparing your child’s IEP or Section 504 plan; 7) Keep careful records; 8) Try to maintain a good working relationship with the school; 9) Communicate; and 10) Encourage your child

Other Web Sites and Links:

IDEA & U.S. Dept of Education

Families and advocates Partnership for Education

IDEA Practices

A Guide to the Individualized Education Plan (IEP

ADA Letter-ED TECH Class

I wanted to explain the following blog. From time to time, I will be including on this blog site some homework from my Education Technology class at BSU. Our assignment today was to write a letter to parents (assuming I am a school teacher) that addresses three laws that relate to disabilities--the ADA, the ATA and the IDEA. So that is what you see below.

Dear Parents:

The Americans With Disabilities Act (1990) prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in the public sector. It requires all government agencies, employers and businesses to provide reasonable accommodations in structural accessibility, and telecommunication accessibility to all individuals and students with disabilities.

The IDEA is a federal law enacted in 1990 and reauthorized in 1997. It deals with the rights of students with disabilities by ensuring that every student receives free appropriate public education (FAPE) regardless of ability.

ATA Assistive Technology act 2004. this act allows for tools such as online sites to help students with special needs. This will also allow students with to receiver better training through the technology in class.

The school district and administration are in full support of these efforts. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me personally. Please communicate any needs or accommodations your student may have to me personally.


Beverly Chick
Art Teacher
Campus School

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ceramics Class Finished Pieces

Four-Sectioned Bowl
(Looks kind of like a flower)

Arwen's Evenstar from Lord of The Rings

Lord of The Rings Narrative Sculpture

I call this 'Loops and Paw Prints'
Yes, this actually has paw prints on it.

Egyptian Ceremonial Bowl.

I thought I would post some photos of the work I did in the ceramics class I took last semester at BSU (Fall 2009). By the way, I got an A+ in this class! Not bad for someone who has never taken a ceramics class before!
I am thinking of creating another "Gallery" section on my website,, that is only for the artwork that I create in my BSU classes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Back! Life Has 'Gone To The Dogs'?

'Pepe' (Finished portrait above, photo below)

Yes, I'm back. My family crisis is almost over with and my sanity is starting to return. It was a stressful holiday season and I'm glad it is over!

This is the first week of school and things have been busy. I am getting use to my new schedule. I go to class every morning except on Friday. I am taking Education Technology and English Literature and I already have homework. One of the assignments in Education Technology is to start a blog. So I thought I better end my leave of absence and get back to blogging. I am hoping I can use this blogsite for the class assignment.

Because of my stressful family crisis, I didn't really do any art work over the holidays. Then last week, I finally felt like picking up my colored pencils and working again. I finished my portrait commission of the late, great 'Pepe' the Chihuahua dog. I have posted it here along with the photo.
Last week I also started a portrait of my mother-in-law's dog, Micah. He is a border collie with a great personality. He exhausts everyone with his endless energy and he is very smart. I took several photos of him over the holidays. They turned out so good that I decided to do a portrait of him. And since my mother-in-law's hobby is quilting, I am going to paint one of her quilts into the background of the portrait. I have finished Micah's portrait, now I just have to put in the quilt pattern that I want to use in the background. Even though the quilt pattern part is not done, I am posting a photo of this portrait. I love how this portrait has turned out so far. I am considering doing a series of animal portraits (maybe 3 or 4) with my mother-in-law's quilts in the background.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Leave of Absence

Due to a personal family emergency that has come up over the past month, I will be taking a leave of absence from this blog. It will only be until the emergency is over.