Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emerging Artists Show at Capital City Market

"Salmon River in Stanley"
(My biggest seller today!)

I had another art show today at the Emerging Artists Exhibit at the downtown Boise public market. I am very encouraged (even amazed) at how well I did! Could this actually be a sign that the recession is letting up? I certainly hope so. I think I made a little over $250. This market is open from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. So $250 is not bad for only four hours! I sold a lot of little things but I also sold some big-ticket items like a framed giclee print of the Salmon River in Stanley. (See photo above.) This seemed to be a popular seller today. I brought three prints of this piece and sold them all!

The weather was a bit threatening with black clouds hovering over us, but it actually didn't start to rain until after the show closed at 1:30 p.m. How often does that happen?

There seemed to be a lot of people today on tour from out of state. Out-of-staters are really good for business because the seem to come just for buying souvenirs. Everything looks unique to them because they haven't seen it before.

I had to leave my exhibit today at 12:15 and let my husband, Jon, take over and then pack up for me because I had to go to an volunteer orientation at Simply Cats at 1:00 p.m. Simply Cats is a no-kill cat shelter for homeless cats. Since I am crazy about cats, I decided to do some volunteer work this month and next month. I get to play with the cats and kittens and get lots of purrs and kisses from the puddy-cats! I also will be doing things like cleaning their shelters and anything else they might need me for. This animal shelter is very top quality. No cats are put in cages. They all have lots of space and their own little rooms to play in--rent free too.

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