Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Art Gala At The Vineyard

The Art Gala at the Vineyard was yesterday (Saturday night) from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Everything went well and I had fun. I had about about 7-8 framed art on display, some of my Stone Critters, plus a special exhibit that highlighted my illustrated family poetry, "Measure of Man." (See my website at for more info on this.) Several other Vineyard artists also displayed their work, including my good friend, Lisa Marten. There were two poetry readings, yummy appetizers, some interviews (one was with Brandi Swindell) and even an interpretive dance number at the end. It was great to be with fellow artists and art lovers and chat with people about how art has been used as a source of healing in our lives. The evening seemed to end about as soon as it begun and before I knew it, it was time to take down my exhibit and go home.

Setting up my exhibit at this Gala took longer than expected, but that's not unusual. I did not have the right kind of equipment for displaying my art and was not allowed to use my A-frame display stand. I guess it didn't look good enough. I thought it looked just fine, but the the director of this event did not. Fortunately, Lisa Marten's dad had brought some extra display panels that Lisa was not going to use, so it worked out fine. I would very much like to invest some money in those same type of display panels that I used that night. They would work well with my EZ-Up Canopy that I use in my outdoor art shows.

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