Saturday, December 25, 2010

Vineyard Boise Choir Flash Mob

Merry Christmas! For your entertainment today, I have included a video clip of the Vineyard Choir singing at the mall in "flash mob" style. See if you can spot me. I am the one with the glasses, short brown hair, black turtleneck, and a blue and green peacock-like poncho.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Flash Mob Concert at the Mall

Beside the visual arts, my other passion in musical arts, so I am going to get a little off topic here and tell you a story that relates to the musical arts.

Once upon a time there was a brand new church choir that decided to go to the Boise Town Square Mall and do an impromptu choral performance of Angels We Have Heard On High right in the middle of the food court! This sort of thing is called a "flash Mob." Why it is called that, I'm not really sure. Maybe it originated from the term "streaking."

Anyway, the choir decided to do this for a couple of reasons. First, to remind people that Christmas is about love and the birth of Christ; second, it was a not so sublte advertisement of our choir and the Christmas Eve concert we are going to have at the Vineyard this Friday.

This little "flash mob" performance occurred yesterday at around 4:00 p.m. The Vineyard Christmas Choir went to the local mall and we found tables in the food court. Then at 4:00 p.m. one brave person from our choir stood up in the middle of all the lunching and munching and began to sing a solo of Angels We Have Heard On High. It was fun to watch the looks of surprise with that what's-going-on look on their face. Then I stood up along with about 3 other people to sing the next line, turning it into a quartet, then more and more people stand up and start singing, until the entire choir is singing from wherever they happen to be in the food court. I have never done anything like this before and it was really fun! Some people smiled, some even sang along with the choir, and some just went right on eating their lunch. There was a rumor going around that this little incident might end up on the local news channel, but I haven't seen anything yet. There were a couple of people with cameras taking pictures and someone with a video camera, but no one from the local news channels.

There is nothing like the element of surprise to get your point across!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Making My Christmas Cards

School is over for the year!! I'm a week behind on blogging because I was busy finishing up the last tests and projects that were due the final week of school, which was last week. I am now on Christmas break until mid-January. Yay!!
My present art project is my Christmas cards. Since I didn't send Christmas cards out last year, so I am using what I was going to use last Christmas. My Christmas card design this year came from a sculpture project. I photographed & made copies of the soap sculpture and bird's nest that I made last year in one of my BSU art classes and gave it a Christmas theme. I decided to revise them by adding some specialty paper that will give it a bit more punch. Above is a photo of the final version.