Monday, September 27, 2010

My First Online Art Purchase!

I have finally been able to put my art up for sale online! And I just sold my first art print online!This is fun and SO easy! My art can now be purchased at and the payments automatically go into my Paypal account.

I am still working on arranging a workshop of 2 or 4 lessons for the month of October/November before Thanksgiving. I had four people set up and then three out of the four people cancelled on me, but someone has been helping me recruit more people. Why do people tell me they want lessons and then realize they haven't planned enough time, money, etc.? I just don't get it. So hopefully, this fall workshop will get off the ground and fly!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

This is one of those weeks where life interferes with your plans and your art goals. Last Monday I had to cancel my art demonstration because I got lost on the way to Nampa. I have NO sense of direction sometimes. Next time I will take my GPS with me--my husband. It's cheaper than buy a GPS device. But everything worked out. This art demo is rescheduled for February or March of next year. I was so mad at myself for getting lost. Oh well.....

Then this weekend, I caught a cold. It's hard to work on art when you are sick. You only have half a brain the then you keep sneezing on the art work.

And now for some good news....I have a few more people interested in art lessons, so hopefully I may be able to "squeeze" in some art workshops before the holiday season gets here. One of the problems I have had since the bad recession started, is lots of people want lessons, but when it comes down to scheduling them, they either don't have the time or they don't have the money. DAMN RECESSION! Okay, I vented. Now I feel better.

Just for fun, I started another portrait of Vincent (Ron Perlman) from Beauty & The Beast. It is about 70% done. I wanted to do it first because I knew it would cheer me up; and secondly, because it has really strong contrasts of light and dark that add drama to the portrait. I wanted to capture that light pattern with colored pencil & Turpenoid.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Busy Week Brings New Opportunities

Busy week! Between going to school & homework, working part-time at my cleaning job, then doing a few art shows here and there, I am swamped!

I exhausted myself because I worked Friday at my part-time job, then Saturday morning, I had a downtown art show that I had to set up. At the last minute, I got a chance to be a part of the downtown Capital City Market (Emerging Artists) so I took it. This is always a good show for me because there is no fee involved, so whatever I make is pure profit. Parking and traffic is always irritating, however. Parking is at a premium downtown anyway, but then the only parking lot next to the art show show, where the vendors & artists usually park to unload, was sealed off because it was being resurfaced. Nice timing! But I was happy with the money I made that morning selling my art. Hey, it's the expectations are low.

Then I have a new commissioned portrait I get to start on! It will be of some kids eating watermelon and it will be full color. I am doing this portrait for my American Literature teacher at BSU! I am very excited about this opportunity.