Friday, February 26, 2010

No Time For Art?

I have been so wrapped up with my classes at Boise State University that I haven't had much time for doing art work and that is NOT a good thing! I am feeling the need to connect with my art. I started a great piece that is actually a cat looking into a fish bowl, watching the fish swim around. But I haven't gotten back to it in two or three weeks.

Another reason I haven't spent time doing my art is because I have been busy getting the downstairs bathroom and guest rooms ready to rent out to tenants as a way to get some extra income. They aren't being used so I thought, why not rent them out? They are finally done and we just have to do some minor clean-up work. I also have to hang up some curtains in one of the rooms. I just started advertising for tenants last week.

This past week I created my first Power Point presentation for my Education Technology class. I used my own art and it is actually an art lesson called "Pencil Techniques." I will use it someday in an actual class setting.

In a couple of weeks I will be at the Idaho Cat Show as one of the vendors, selling my art. Then in April I will be teaching an art workshop on Portraits at the VineArts studio.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ed Tech Assignment--Technology in my Classroom

Okay, I listened to Cool Teachers Podcast Episode 36 and 37 and I have come to the conclusion that I am still in the dark ages of technology because I don't know what my Ed Tech teacher, Chris Haskell, is talking about half the time! But I do find it very interesting and it makes me want to learn more.

Of all the technology that was discussed on "Cool Teachers", what I found would be most applicable to me as an art teacher is Adobe, Auto Desk and something new called I-Work Create Activity Suite. I-Work Create is a digital drawing pad. I am starting to see that I could teach a class on drawing or painting that could include simulating a specific art medium (like watercolor) on a computer, so I could give students the experience of painting or drawing on the computer. I actually have never tried this before, but I am curious to do so someday. I think it would be interesting to use in an art classroom.

Adobe and Auto Desk (both art-related software) were mentioned in Episode 36. I have never tried Auto Desk and I don't really know what it can do, but I have tried Adobe Photoshop. I could probably find a way to use one or both of these programs in my classroom. I am still stumbling through Adobe Photoshop, so I don't know all of what it can do. I wonder if I could use Photoshop to visually show a student what could be done with their drawing/painting in a sort of critique of "What if you did this?"

I have to add a quick note. This past week I have been teaching myself Word 2007 in one of the BSU computer labs. Although it has greatly changed from what I use at home, which is Word 2000, I love it! I am learning how to create a newsletter in Word 2007 and I LOVE using the graphics and all the other art features. Someday, hopefully soon, I will have this installed into my computer at home.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Jigsaw Teaching Method - Ed Tech Assignment

This entry is actually assigned homework for my Ed Tech class. It has to do with the Jigsaw method of teaching. It works like this. You divide your classroom into several groups (3-5) with about 3-5 students per group. Each group is to report on a certain subject. A leader is assigned to each group and each person in that group takes a specific section of that subject to research on. They do their research either from books or on computers. Then they get together with members from other groups who have been assigned the same section to research on. They collaborate and trade information with each other. Then they go back to their original Jigsaw group and each of them makes a report to the group.

My assignment is to think of how I would use this method in my classroom with only 5 computers to use and to discuss advantages and disadvantages of this method. My focus is to teach the students word processing skills as well as teach them about art.

Since my specialty as a teacher is art, I would probably teach something like art history or drawing and painting. For now, let's assume it is a high school class. One of my favorite periods of art history is the Impressionistic period from 1880's through early 1900's. Let's say I have 3 or 4 groups of 3-4 students each. The main topic--The Impressionistic Period (1880's - early 1990's) would be divided into the following sections: 1) Beginning of Impressionistic period & how is began, Edward Manet, Paul Cezanne, George Seurat; 2) Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Degas, Monet; 3) Mary Cassatt, Renoir, Toulouse Lautrec, End of Impressionistic period and what were the contributing factors.

One student in each group would take one of the three categories mentioned above (or I could split it into four categories if needed). They would use books, etc. that I would provide for them and research the following information: What kind of art did this artist do, what was their style and contribution to Impressionistic movement, what famous works are they known for, etc. This can include short bio, but not too long.

When they gathered their information they would write it down in their own words on a piece of paper, as a report. Then they would get together with their "expert groups" and trade or collaborate information so they all had a fully complete report. When the report was completed, one member of the group would go to one of the computers, using word processing software (Word 2007) and type a professional looking report, or several people in the group could get a chance to do some work (typing or insert a graphic) on the report, using the same computer station. If part of the objective is to get students familiar with word processing, then the students not doing the actually typing, would observe to see what was being done. If I had a printer in the room, they could print it out too. They would go back to original jigsaw group and make their individual reports to each other.

Advantages of this method: Face-to-face interaction, develops social skills, encourages teamwork & individual accountability, works well for bright students as well as for the slower ones.

Disadvantages of this method: Might be hard for everyone to use the computer since there is only five stations available. There might be some confusion about who gets to use the computer and when so you would have to set up a specific schedule and monitor this. Sometimes you might get a student who dominates the group or a slower student. Or you might get the problem of students being overly competitive or rowdy.

Eagle Informer Publishes Article About Me

I just thought I would post the article about me that is in the February issue of Eagle Informer. I was surprised that they published three of the digital photos of my art that I sent in. I thought the layout was a bit strange because they have my artwork next to some photographer who is the featured artist at St. Luke's and the photographer's photos are on the opposite page. Not the way I would have arranged it, but it is fantastic to get free publicity, so I'm not complaining!

I you want to see my exhibit, come to the Eagle City Hall during the month of February.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Eagle City Hall Art Show or Beverly Versus The Cable Wire Hook Things

Murphy's law says that when you estimate how much time it will take to complete a project, it will always take at least twice that long. Murphy is correct. How long could it take to hang 8 to 10 paintings on a wall? Well, what I thought would be a simple art exhibit set up at Eagle City Hall took 3 hours and I'm STILL not finished!

I got there with my husband and we started hanging the art on the cable wire hooks. We discovered that the cable wires are really hard to move. You have to get way, way up to the top of the ceiling and move them from there. Well, I'm short (vertically challenged) and even with a ladder, this kind of thing doesn't work too well for me, but fortunately my husband was able to accomplish this to I could space out the art exactly right.

Then I discovered I didn't properly prepare two of the title cards (the sign that goes on the art piece that has the title of the art and the price.) So I have to go back home and get those done. I also discovered that there was an extra hook on two of the cable wires, giving me room to hang two other pieces of art. I only brought 8 paintings and there was room for two more. Gotta go back home again.

I go back home, get the title cards done and pick up two more paintings, and I get my artist biography laminated so I can stick it on the wall as part of the exhibit. Then I go back to Eagle City Hall, without my husband. Silly me, I thought I could do this without his help. What was I thinking? I finish hanging all the art just the way I want it to look. But then I have a little wall on the other side of the room that needs one more picture there. Seems like an easy fix, right? WRONG! Two of the cables got stuck and those suckers would NOT move for me at all. The frustrating thing about it was that I wanted these things to move to the left, and they only wanted to move to the right. I swear those cable wire hook things hate me and they were doing this on purpose!

By this time it is almost 5:00 p.m. and the place closes at 6:00 p.m. I decide to call it a day and go home. I'll finish hanging the rest tomorrow. Round Two of Beverly vs. The Cable Wire Hook Things starts Tuesday, after my English Literature class.